What happened to the happy tales of vampires preying on young women and sucking their blood? Thanks to the saga Twilight, the stereotype for a vampire has changed to “only a vampire can love you forever.” No. They can’t. Teenage girls, and some guys, everywhere are obsessed with the story of a young, klutzy and somewhat bleak girl falling in love with a vampire who romantically spends most of the book trying not to kill her. Ohh lala. It’s become so big; in fact, that I believe some girls will actually search their lives for a vampire to have and to hold. Anything less is just not good enough. And who can blame them? The “dreamy” vampire Edward is perfect. With his Perfect pale skin, perfect golden eyes, perfect hair, perfect teeth, perfect features and his perfect perfectness. Nobody out there is like that, girls.
Now, I admit that I’ve read the books. I never was a huge fan, but the action parts are quite good and sometimes worth reading through the five-page long staring contests Edward and Bella seem to always have. It can be sickening. But probably the most sickening thing I read in the whole series was in the second book, New Moon, in which Edward leaves Bella in order to “protect” her. This sparks five pages that are even more boring then the staring contests. Nothing. Honestly, there are about five pages with just blank pages and months. Finally it gets back to Bella who is a total wreck. It’s like she’s an empty shell without her beloved vampire. Oh, yeah, great message to send to girls out there. Without a man, you are NOTHING. Woo. So eventually, she starts seeing this person who she starts hanging out with and makes her so happy. Shockingly, it’s a guy. Namely a guy named Jacob. Oh, and get this, he’s a werewolf! But even with this new male companion at her side, she misses her dear, sweet; perfect Edward so much that she jumps off a cliff just to hear his voice. That’s another great message. We should compose a motivation speech to women on this book. Eventually he comes back, and continuous to save her life. As always. She’d be dead and nothing without her Edward.
This book is horrible to the rights of girls. Not only that, but it shows that nothing is more important then your soul mate. Family and friends come second to bloodthirsty vampires, I guess. I am so sick of hearing about it, it’s just so… over rated. If you share in my feelings, you can read Stoney321 reads Twilight so you don’t have to. It’s basically a girl writing a synopsis on all the books, pointing out its flaws in a humorous fashion. It entertained me, so I’m going to share it with you.
WARNING: The following link contains mature (and some immature) themes and course language.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Facebook or Faceplant?
First there were blogs here and there, just like this one. Then myspace came out, which was pretty huge. Then there was facebook. Practically everybody has facebook. It’s just as common as a phone number. When two people meet each other, you never hear “can I get your number?” first off anymore. Sometimes they ask for your e-mail. But mostly they ask if they can add you on facebook. Sure it has new features and such. It’s much safer then myspace, but it’s not completely safe. Anyone you add can see your personal information, and not all people are very safe with who they add.
Before you read on, I want everyone to know that NOTHING ENDED UP HAPPENING
To show as an example, one day I got a random text from some random person. It was probably just one of those people who put in a random number for fun. So some friends and me started texting back. We talked about grandparents and movies and different stuff. Then they asked for my name. Now, I’ve had the cops come in to talk about it. I know that whole confidentiality stuff. So we make up a name, and I call myself “Jacob Dalton”. This person, whose name I learned but not going to say just in case, asked for my facebook. Quickly we made a facebook page for Jacob Dalton. She says she would add “him” later on that night. Poor Jacob was never added, but the fact is that he could have been. Stuff like that happens all the time. We did that as a sort of experiment, but whoever texted me that day must have realized that adding some strange guy was not the smartest thing to do. It could have been different though. It could have been some 46-year-old pedophile pretending to be an 18-year-old football star. You have to be careful about whom you add, and make sure you always know who it is. Never go meet someone you don’t know who added you on facebook
Before you read on, I want everyone to know that NOTHING ENDED UP HAPPENING
To show as an example, one day I got a random text from some random person. It was probably just one of those people who put in a random number for fun. So some friends and me started texting back. We talked about grandparents and movies and different stuff. Then they asked for my name. Now, I’ve had the cops come in to talk about it. I know that whole confidentiality stuff. So we make up a name, and I call myself “Jacob Dalton”. This person, whose name I learned but not going to say just in case, asked for my facebook. Quickly we made a facebook page for Jacob Dalton. She says she would add “him” later on that night. Poor Jacob was never added, but the fact is that he could have been. Stuff like that happens all the time. We did that as a sort of experiment, but whoever texted me that day must have realized that adding some strange guy was not the smartest thing to do. It could have been different though. It could have been some 46-year-old pedophile pretending to be an 18-year-old football star. You have to be careful about whom you add, and make sure you always know who it is. Never go meet someone you don’t know who added you on facebook
Obamarama eh?
He’s everywhere. He’s on magazine covers, posters, T.V. ads and he’s even got a special hair cut. Of course, because he’s the president of the United States! So, if he’s the president of the US, why is he also everywhere in Canada? Obama-mania seems to have North America hard. I get it’s a big step having the first black president, and he’s probably a great guy. That’s all great for south of the boarder, but why does Canada have such a huge obsession? I walk through the halls of our school and I see a kid wearing an Obama t-shirt. I have to ask myself “why?” Sure, maybe the kid is from the States originally, but the fact is he probably lives under the Canadian Government now. Shouldn’t we be more concerned about THAT? Why aren’t people walking around with Harper t-shirts? Our government might have ANOTHER election this summer. It’s insane, and we’re caring about some guy whose only effect on Canada is that he wont blow us up or shut down American companies in Canada.
Don’t say it’s just a few people who walk around with Obama t-shirts on. Remember when he came to Ottawa? There was a huge swarm of people who came just you support him. More then there’s ever been for any Prime Minister except maybe Trudeau. I experienced it first-hand. About a week after he visited, my family and I went to Ottawa to visit my brother. My mother is a prime example of an Obama-maniac. She dragged us to a market where they sold short bread cookies shaped like maple leaves that Obama bought while he was there. These cookies were dubbed “Obama cookies” and the bakery had shelves upon selves because people were buying that much. My mom bought a couple as well. Next we were dragged to a beaver tail shack. If you don’t know what a beaver tail is… I’m not too sure either. It’s basically deep fried dough covered in different toppings. While Obama was there, he asked for a special beaver tail. The people quickly threw together a beaver tail with maple syrup, chocolate sauce and whipped cream in an O shape. The “Obama tail” is now regularly sold and purchased often. Including by my mom. So why are we like this? Why do we care about this guy so much? Sure, he’s a big breath of fresh air from Bush, but we have our own politicians to worry about. We live in Canada, we’re not American!
Don’t say it’s just a few people who walk around with Obama t-shirts on. Remember when he came to Ottawa? There was a huge swarm of people who came just you support him. More then there’s ever been for any Prime Minister except maybe Trudeau. I experienced it first-hand. About a week after he visited, my family and I went to Ottawa to visit my brother. My mother is a prime example of an Obama-maniac. She dragged us to a market where they sold short bread cookies shaped like maple leaves that Obama bought while he was there. These cookies were dubbed “Obama cookies” and the bakery had shelves upon selves because people were buying that much. My mom bought a couple as well. Next we were dragged to a beaver tail shack. If you don’t know what a beaver tail is… I’m not too sure either. It’s basically deep fried dough covered in different toppings. While Obama was there, he asked for a special beaver tail. The people quickly threw together a beaver tail with maple syrup, chocolate sauce and whipped cream in an O shape. The “Obama tail” is now regularly sold and purchased often. Including by my mom. So why are we like this? Why do we care about this guy so much? Sure, he’s a big breath of fresh air from Bush, but we have our own politicians to worry about. We live in Canada, we’re not American!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Shut up and Take a Walk
Everybody has his or her own opinion, even celebrities. The only difference is that the opinion of a celebrity is listened to more then anyone else. For example, take a look at politics. Everyone has something to say about politics. One person who has a political opinion is rapper Kanye West. Back when Katrina hit New Orleans, a bunch of celebrities did a telethon to help raise money. Kanye was one of them, and in his short segment with Mike Myers, he decided to speak up. He started talking (very nervously) about how everyone is poor and black and America is helping them as slow as possible. They’re also giving permission to go down and shoot them (which I really don’t understand that… I don’t remember anything about the army flying in to shoot people). After Myers was done talking again, trying to be as professional as he could after West’s major off-script rant, he then throws it back to West, who says, “George Bush doesn't care about black people!”[1] After that they quickly cut to comedian Chris Tucker without giving poor Mike the chance to finish the phone number. NBC later explained the outburst as “emotions running high” and edited it out for the West Coast feed. My opinion? I agree with his statement on saying that blacks were being misrepresented as “looting”. However, I think he was out of line to say George Bush doesn’t care about black people. I highly doubt Mr. W was floating around down there in a little raft and said, “Hmm, there’s some black folks in this here flooded house next to me… Oh, but those white folks over yonder look more needy so I’m going to go help them, ya’ll!” … No, that just wouldn’t happen. I’m sure there might have been some discrimination, and even some moments like that. But you really can’t blame George Bush for everything. At that time, I believe every human being was a human being who deserved to be saved.
Some celebrities speak out in a different way, like using their talent. Pink, or rather, P!nk, is a very opinionated person. She might be a little out there, but for a celebrity she has good values. She decided that she would rant about America’s problems and the president to boot in the hit single “Dear Mr. President” P!nk never intended on Dear Mr. President to become so huge hit, but it became controversial as it came out. In the song, she talks about taking a walk with the president and talking about how the homeless are suffering, people crying because of the war, homosexuals getting their rights restricted etc. She ends the song saying the president would never take a walk with her and listen to the problems. There was a small outcry against the song. But honestly, it makes valid points and I thoroughly enjoy the song. I think it would be good for the president to listen to it, just so he can see what his country is going through. At one point, the song says:
Let me tell you 'bout hard work/ Minimum wage with a baby on the way/ Let me tell you 'bout hard work/ Rebuilding your house after the bombs took them away/ Let me tell you 'bout hard work/ Building a bed out of a cardboard box/ Let me tell you 'bout hard work/ Hard work/ Hard work/ You don't know nothing 'bout hard work[2]
This is a little contradicting. After all, P!nk is a famous celebrity with tons of money and probably never has to go through any of that stuff. So, in a way, she knows nothing about hard work. However, she made her point that people DO live like that. Maybe it might be a little hard for one little leader of the free world to handle, but it definitely got his and other people’s attention. Props to P!nk.
P!nk didn’t lose much over the song. However, there are cases where opinions have ruined entire careers. Look at the Dixie Chicks. In 2003 at a London concert the Chicks said they did not support the war and the lead singer Natalie Maines jokingly added “I’m ashamed that the president is from Texas.” They got cheers from London, but back home in the U.S. they only met negative reactions. Everything was documented in the documentary, Dixie Chicks: Shut up and Sing. It showed how radio stations were boycotting their music; people destroying their music and even sending out death threats. The Chick’s career plummeted. Despite this, they stuck true to their comments. They disappeared for a while, but came back stronger then ever with their hit album “Taking the Long Way” that included songs like “Not Ready to Make Nice” which is based off the controversy. Americans loved it, now that they realized Bush’s war just wasn’t working. I hold a lot of respect for the Chicks. They went through so much and still came out with their heads held high. Not only that, but it also said a lot about the American culture. Three years prior, they freaked at Natalie’s comment. Now, they laugh a long with the comment. Why? They nearly destroyed the Chick’s career and showed that they do believe in freedom of speech… just as long as you don’t say anything that the majority of the people don’t agree with.
Some celebrities speak out in a different way, like using their talent. Pink, or rather, P!nk, is a very opinionated person. She might be a little out there, but for a celebrity she has good values. She decided that she would rant about America’s problems and the president to boot in the hit single “Dear Mr. President” P!nk never intended on Dear Mr. President to become so huge hit, but it became controversial as it came out. In the song, she talks about taking a walk with the president and talking about how the homeless are suffering, people crying because of the war, homosexuals getting their rights restricted etc. She ends the song saying the president would never take a walk with her and listen to the problems. There was a small outcry against the song. But honestly, it makes valid points and I thoroughly enjoy the song. I think it would be good for the president to listen to it, just so he can see what his country is going through. At one point, the song says:
Let me tell you 'bout hard work/ Minimum wage with a baby on the way/ Let me tell you 'bout hard work/ Rebuilding your house after the bombs took them away/ Let me tell you 'bout hard work/ Building a bed out of a cardboard box/ Let me tell you 'bout hard work/ Hard work/ Hard work/ You don't know nothing 'bout hard work[2]
This is a little contradicting. After all, P!nk is a famous celebrity with tons of money and probably never has to go through any of that stuff. So, in a way, she knows nothing about hard work. However, she made her point that people DO live like that. Maybe it might be a little hard for one little leader of the free world to handle, but it definitely got his and other people’s attention. Props to P!nk.
P!nk didn’t lose much over the song. However, there are cases where opinions have ruined entire careers. Look at the Dixie Chicks. In 2003 at a London concert the Chicks said they did not support the war and the lead singer Natalie Maines jokingly added “I’m ashamed that the president is from Texas.” They got cheers from London, but back home in the U.S. they only met negative reactions. Everything was documented in the documentary, Dixie Chicks: Shut up and Sing. It showed how radio stations were boycotting their music; people destroying their music and even sending out death threats. The Chick’s career plummeted. Despite this, they stuck true to their comments. They disappeared for a while, but came back stronger then ever with their hit album “Taking the Long Way” that included songs like “Not Ready to Make Nice” which is based off the controversy. Americans loved it, now that they realized Bush’s war just wasn’t working. I hold a lot of respect for the Chicks. They went through so much and still came out with their heads held high. Not only that, but it also said a lot about the American culture. Three years prior, they freaked at Natalie’s comment. Now, they laugh a long with the comment. Why? They nearly destroyed the Chick’s career and showed that they do believe in freedom of speech… just as long as you don’t say anything that the majority of the people don’t agree with.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
This blog is particularly close to home. It’s about a role model I used to have when I was younger. I bet everyone had one at some point. Someone you could look up to and base your life off of. Mine was Lindsay Lohan. Not exactly what most people would call “role model material” these days. There was a time, however, where she was the model… well, role model. Something happened though, obviously. Was it her age? Are we all doomed to face an inevitable wild child future once we hit 18? Was it her career? Her personal life? Whatever it was, Lohan kept going lower.
Lindsay was acting at an early age, appearing in ford commercials at age 3. She was in other commercials for Wendy’s and Jell-O. She was not noticed by the public eye until she starred as twins in the remake of The Parent Trap. She also starred in a few made-for-TV movies, but I never saw her until Freaky Friday. I loved the movie, and liked her character, so I read up on her. I started regularly checking her website, LLrocks (which doesn’t exist anymore. Does she even have an official website?) and when I saw all the accomplishments she made and her good morals and values, I started looking up to her. Around the time when mean girls came out, which is still one of my favourite movies, things started to change. I first noticed when I watched her Rumours music video and saw her getting down and dirty with the elevator walls. I was with a friend at the time that said, “Oh well, she's 18 now. That’s normal.” I, personally, can’t wait for the day when I’m old enough to “ride” the elevator. Ahahahaha. Lame joking aside, the video also showed her in a party mood, something that apparently reflected her real life. Drinking became very prominent in her life despite being under age. She said she was going through troubles with her father, which cause her to just party it all out. This caused her to spiral into the world of alcoholism. Along the line, she was found in possession of cocaine and made several hit and runs. Of course, some of them were just hits, while she couldn’t run due to being passed out in her car.
She seemed to realize just how messed up she was after being quoted saying “It is clear to me that my life has become completely unmanageable because I am addicted to alcohol and drugs.” She has attended many rehab facilities in the past few years. Despite this, she still has a long way to go to rebuild up her career which has basically been destroyed. She has tried to rebuild herself by creating a spoof of her making a fake eharmony to laugh at herself. Apparently, she came up with the idea. Good for her.
Lindsay Lohan's eHarmony Profile
(If the video doesn't work, use the link above it.)
I felt almost betrayed by this transformation. Someone who used to say she would never get into drugs because it changed people. She also said she would never pose naked because its disrespectful and she never wanted to give that message to her fans. Wearing underwear is kind of included in that, Lindsay. Luckily, I was old enough to realize she was on a fast track to nowhere and she was quickly dead to me as a hero. However, what about others younger then myself? Those who idolized Lindsay from the beginning and still thought what ever she did was cool? I feel bad for them. It’s not only Lindsay, either. What about fans of Miley Cyrus? Or what about Vanessa Hudgens? Should we let children have role models at all with the danger that these so called “squeaky-clean” girls are going to grow up not being the best positive influence? Children do need heroes, but the ones shown in entertainment who are highly influential are dangerous to the younger generation’s future.
Lindsay was acting at an early age, appearing in ford commercials at age 3. She was in other commercials for Wendy’s and Jell-O. She was not noticed by the public eye until she starred as twins in the remake of The Parent Trap. She also starred in a few made-for-TV movies, but I never saw her until Freaky Friday. I loved the movie, and liked her character, so I read up on her. I started regularly checking her website, LLrocks (which doesn’t exist anymore. Does she even have an official website?) and when I saw all the accomplishments she made and her good morals and values, I started looking up to her. Around the time when mean girls came out, which is still one of my favourite movies, things started to change. I first noticed when I watched her Rumours music video and saw her getting down and dirty with the elevator walls. I was with a friend at the time that said, “Oh well, she's 18 now. That’s normal.” I, personally, can’t wait for the day when I’m old enough to “ride” the elevator. Ahahahaha. Lame joking aside, the video also showed her in a party mood, something that apparently reflected her real life. Drinking became very prominent in her life despite being under age. She said she was going through troubles with her father, which cause her to just party it all out. This caused her to spiral into the world of alcoholism. Along the line, she was found in possession of cocaine and made several hit and runs. Of course, some of them were just hits, while she couldn’t run due to being passed out in her car.
She seemed to realize just how messed up she was after being quoted saying “It is clear to me that my life has become completely unmanageable because I am addicted to alcohol and drugs.” She has attended many rehab facilities in the past few years. Despite this, she still has a long way to go to rebuild up her career which has basically been destroyed. She has tried to rebuild herself by creating a spoof of her making a fake eharmony to laugh at herself. Apparently, she came up with the idea. Good for her.
Lindsay Lohan's eHarmony Profile
(If the video doesn't work, use the link above it.)
I felt almost betrayed by this transformation. Someone who used to say she would never get into drugs because it changed people. She also said she would never pose naked because its disrespectful and she never wanted to give that message to her fans. Wearing underwear is kind of included in that, Lindsay. Luckily, I was old enough to realize she was on a fast track to nowhere and she was quickly dead to me as a hero. However, what about others younger then myself? Those who idolized Lindsay from the beginning and still thought what ever she did was cool? I feel bad for them. It’s not only Lindsay, either. What about fans of Miley Cyrus? Or what about Vanessa Hudgens? Should we let children have role models at all with the danger that these so called “squeaky-clean” girls are going to grow up not being the best positive influence? Children do need heroes, but the ones shown in entertainment who are highly influential are dangerous to the younger generation’s future.
Not So Much
On May 14th my Media Studies class and I took a trip to Toronto to visit the much anticipated, and quite honestly the only reason some people took the course (me not included. I want to become media literate!), Much Music! If you were living under a mountain during your pre-teen/young teen years then Much Music is a station that is mainly based around celebrities, music and drama shows. One of their highest rated shows is Much On Demand, a somewhat interactive show with a young audience, young hosts and a variety of activities and interviews. We were part of the audience on that show. It looked exciting from the viewers standpoint, but from our point of view it was not what it was cracked up to be.
Like on most shows, we were told to applaud, when to be quiet, when to look excited etc. We made it look exciting. What did we make look exciting? A guy getting his hair cut. Some host on the show decided to get his hair cut live on TV. Woo. We sat there extremely bored and chatting amongst ourselves, only reacting when the “Pep Guy” told us to cheer. It went on like that for an hour. Throw that in with blazing hot lights and live cameras pointing at you exposing you to the world, it made out to be not what many of us were expecting. If you want to know what happens during the commercials, the seemingly nice Leah Miller orders people around while stuffing her botox-injected face with thinnsations. But that’s just what I observed. Devon Soltendieck was nice and talked to the audience while we were there, like human beings. Too bad he’s not a regular host and usually just does the MuchNews segment. Tim Deegan, aka Hair Cut Dude who by the way only got a trim and nothing exciting like a comb over, was also nice and talked to us, even remembering some people who had been there over a year ago. So all in all, our one-hour excursion with Pep Guy, Botox Lady, Flamboyantly Down-To-Earth Guy and Hair Cut Dude is not up there on my favourite moments in life. But what can you do.
Luckily, there was another part of the trip. In this part we visited the Toronto Film Board. Here they make films, more specifically flash and stop frame animation films. After watching some examples of some stop frame animation, some funny some disturbing, we were able to make our own. It ended up being more amusing then anticipated with short movies of walking into poles, sword fighting and being eaten by giant heads. However, we also realized how gruelling the process is. If making the characters and props weren’t hard enough, we then had to make small changes to positions and shoot frames one by one. A 30 second film took us about 2-3 hours to makes. It was fun, but I find it hard to believe people like Tim Burton can focus and spend so much time, money and effort on one film. For anyone out there who does stop frame animation, kudos!
Like on most shows, we were told to applaud, when to be quiet, when to look excited etc. We made it look exciting. What did we make look exciting? A guy getting his hair cut. Some host on the show decided to get his hair cut live on TV. Woo. We sat there extremely bored and chatting amongst ourselves, only reacting when the “Pep Guy” told us to cheer. It went on like that for an hour. Throw that in with blazing hot lights and live cameras pointing at you exposing you to the world, it made out to be not what many of us were expecting. If you want to know what happens during the commercials, the seemingly nice Leah Miller orders people around while stuffing her botox-injected face with thinnsations. But that’s just what I observed. Devon Soltendieck was nice and talked to the audience while we were there, like human beings. Too bad he’s not a regular host and usually just does the MuchNews segment. Tim Deegan, aka Hair Cut Dude who by the way only got a trim and nothing exciting like a comb over, was also nice and talked to us, even remembering some people who had been there over a year ago. So all in all, our one-hour excursion with Pep Guy, Botox Lady, Flamboyantly Down-To-Earth Guy and Hair Cut Dude is not up there on my favourite moments in life. But what can you do.
Luckily, there was another part of the trip. In this part we visited the Toronto Film Board. Here they make films, more specifically flash and stop frame animation films. After watching some examples of some stop frame animation, some funny some disturbing, we were able to make our own. It ended up being more amusing then anticipated with short movies of walking into poles, sword fighting and being eaten by giant heads. However, we also realized how gruelling the process is. If making the characters and props weren’t hard enough, we then had to make small changes to positions and shoot frames one by one. A 30 second film took us about 2-3 hours to makes. It was fun, but I find it hard to believe people like Tim Burton can focus and spend so much time, money and effort on one film. For anyone out there who does stop frame animation, kudos!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Reach out!
You probably haven’t heard of the show Cbeebies. This is because of two reasons: 1. It’s British and 2. Most people reading this blog are 16-18 year olds and it’s a television network for children under the age of six. Why am I talking about it? I feel obligated to mention it because it was the centre of a large controversy in physical disabilities.
Meet Cerrie Burnell, a new host to the children’s network Cbeesies. What makes her so special from any other host on any children’s show is that Burnell only has one hand. This caused a lot of controversy throughout parents of children everywhere. They complained that the disability would scare their children. About 25 official complaints were filled about the issue. Of course, the people who filed complaints weren’t the only ones who had something to say. People logged on message boards and voiced their own opinions. But were these opinions over the edge? The Tart has an example of some of the parent’s complaints.
“One incensed parent ranted, ‘It’s a disgrace. I had to sit my 4 year old boy down and explain to him what a retard is. I’d only just explained to him why Jade Goody is bald and all.’
Another fumed, ‘I was watching CBeebies the other day with my 3 year old daughter, and this Burnell took about a bloody hour just to cut out a leaf shape from some paper. It’s offensive. I mean I’d only just got over Sachsgate and now I have to deal with this.’”
Ouch. Imagine you had a disability like Burnell and things like that were said about you. The fact is, they’re not just complaining about the fact that this might scare their children, they’re complaining about parenting. Oh no, you have to explain why some people have disabilities! Oh, the horror! Please, shouldn’t it be better that they’re being exposed to this at a young age? The parent’s complaints are poisoning the children’s minds into thinking they should discriminate against others different from them as well. Instead, they should teach them why people are like that, be glad to, and let them know that they are no different from any other human being or any less important. Let’s see what Burnell is like in an interview on BBC News:
Obviously she’s taking everything quite well. That’s very commendable. I don’t find anything wrong with her, do you? She can still make some children laugh, smile and learn things. She can also help children learn about disabilities and acceptance. What she said was true. Disabilities never scared me when I was little, but I was very inquisitive. Because I got the right explanation and people made sure I understood, I now know today that some people are the way they are, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Some parents might be scared of differences, but that doesn’t mean they should complain when they have the opportunity to teach their children to be more accepting then they are themselves. They should take a lesson from their children and Cerrie Burnell. Always stay open minded!
Morgan, James. Disabled Children's TV Host Faces Criticism from Parents. 27 Feb. 2009. 30 Mar. 2009 http://www.thetartpaper.com/articles/view/673
Meet Cerrie Burnell, a new host to the children’s network Cbeesies. What makes her so special from any other host on any children’s show is that Burnell only has one hand. This caused a lot of controversy throughout parents of children everywhere. They complained that the disability would scare their children. About 25 official complaints were filled about the issue. Of course, the people who filed complaints weren’t the only ones who had something to say. People logged on message boards and voiced their own opinions. But were these opinions over the edge? The Tart has an example of some of the parent’s complaints.
“One incensed parent ranted, ‘It’s a disgrace. I had to sit my 4 year old boy down and explain to him what a retard is. I’d only just explained to him why Jade Goody is bald and all.’
Another fumed, ‘I was watching CBeebies the other day with my 3 year old daughter, and this Burnell took about a bloody hour just to cut out a leaf shape from some paper. It’s offensive. I mean I’d only just got over Sachsgate and now I have to deal with this.’”
Ouch. Imagine you had a disability like Burnell and things like that were said about you. The fact is, they’re not just complaining about the fact that this might scare their children, they’re complaining about parenting. Oh no, you have to explain why some people have disabilities! Oh, the horror! Please, shouldn’t it be better that they’re being exposed to this at a young age? The parent’s complaints are poisoning the children’s minds into thinking they should discriminate against others different from them as well. Instead, they should teach them why people are like that, be glad to, and let them know that they are no different from any other human being or any less important. Let’s see what Burnell is like in an interview on BBC News:
Obviously she’s taking everything quite well. That’s very commendable. I don’t find anything wrong with her, do you? She can still make some children laugh, smile and learn things. She can also help children learn about disabilities and acceptance. What she said was true. Disabilities never scared me when I was little, but I was very inquisitive. Because I got the right explanation and people made sure I understood, I now know today that some people are the way they are, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Some parents might be scared of differences, but that doesn’t mean they should complain when they have the opportunity to teach their children to be more accepting then they are themselves. They should take a lesson from their children and Cerrie Burnell. Always stay open minded!
Morgan, James. Disabled Children's TV Host Faces Criticism from Parents. 27 Feb. 2009. 30 Mar. 2009 http://www.thetartpaper.com/articles/view/673
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Copycat Diva
Recently in the media, there have been many problems with copyright infringement. There have been many issues, particularly in music. From Vanilla Ice and George Harrison to Coldplay and Avril Lavigne, it's clear that its getting more and more difficult to not make songs sound a lot like another one. Or maybe music artists these days are just lazy. Who knows? But there is a someone new getting introduced to the world of copyright infringement. You can always tell the first timers. "Bootylicious" Beyonce has now joined the growing list of people sued for copyright infringement.
What is the topic of this new lawsuit? Beyonce's song "Still in Love (Kissing You)" isn't Beyonce's song at all. The song was first co-written and sung by Des'ree in 1996. This song was called "I'm Kissing You" at that time and was used to the film "Romeo and Juliet" starring Leonardo DiCaprio. Personally, I think the song is way too laid back and calm for that Shakespearean swirling vortex of gunshots and explosions. But that's besides the point. What is the point, though, is just who is at fault here. Des'ree or Beyonce? Both similar sounding names, both have very similar sounding songs.
In fact, the songs are identical. This is because Beyonce did this song as a cover. One problem. Beyonce never even got permission to do the cover. This caused a lot of difficulties between agencies on both sides. Eventually Beyonce sent Des'ree a formal license request. Des'ree counter-proposed with three limitations. These were: no music video, United States distribution only and no changing the title. There was no reply and Beyonce ended up releasing the song on her "B-Day Deluxe Edition" CD on April 3rd, 2007. Obviously, Beyonce was in the wrong here. However, she wouldn't have gone through with this if she had known something that Des'ree didn't. She did, but Des'ree caught it just and time. "The day before the CD release, realizing that you need your work registered with Copyright Office before you can sue for copyright infringement, filed for an expedited copyright registration for the original song. Two weeks later, they filed a lawsuit against Beyonce. " [1] Let the cat fight begin!
What is the topic of this new lawsuit? Beyonce's song "Still in Love (Kissing You)" isn't Beyonce's song at all. The song was first co-written and sung by Des'ree in 1996. This song was called "I'm Kissing You" at that time and was used to the film "Romeo and Juliet" starring Leonardo DiCaprio. Personally, I think the song is way too laid back and calm for that Shakespearean swirling vortex of gunshots and explosions. But that's besides the point. What is the point, though, is just who is at fault here. Des'ree or Beyonce? Both similar sounding names, both have very similar sounding songs.
In fact, the songs are identical. This is because Beyonce did this song as a cover. One problem. Beyonce never even got permission to do the cover. This caused a lot of difficulties between agencies on both sides. Eventually Beyonce sent Des'ree a formal license request. Des'ree counter-proposed with three limitations. These were: no music video, United States distribution only and no changing the title. There was no reply and Beyonce ended up releasing the song on her "B-Day Deluxe Edition" CD on April 3rd, 2007. Obviously, Beyonce was in the wrong here. However, she wouldn't have gone through with this if she had known something that Des'ree didn't. She did, but Des'ree caught it just and time. "The day before the CD release, realizing that you need your work registered with Copyright Office before you can sue for copyright infringement, filed for an expedited copyright registration for the original song. Two weeks later, they filed a lawsuit against Beyonce. " [1] Let the cat fight begin!
Here's a video from Copyright Website!
The album is already out there, same with the music video and it's world wide. It is also under a new title. Uh oh. I can see why Des'ree is angry. I would be too. But it's too late because this case has been going on for 2 years and many people have the CD. Hopefully there will be some justice though. "The lawsuit seeks to stop distribution of the album and asks for damages in excess of 150-thousand dollars." [2] The 150, 000 would help, but Des'ree can't do much about the song and video being out there anymore. Beyonce is so guilty. Stuff like that should not happen. It's one thing to accidentally use something that sounds a lot alike another song in your own material, but when you do a cover and not get permission, that's just wrong. Let's hope Beyonce learns her lesson, and others will learn right along with her!
[1] Copyright Website. Beyonce and Des'ree.. 7 Mar. 2009
[2] Access Hollywood. Des’ree Files Lawsuit Against Beyonce. 1 May 2007. 7 Mar. 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Miss American Dream since she was 17...

She was a teen pop sensation. She topped the charts with singles like "Oops I did it Again" and "Hit me Baby One More Time". She also strolled into a barber shop and shaved her hair off. I'd bet my life that you know who I'm talking about. Britney Spears. Where do I start? Once upon a time, Britney was a role model who practiced abstinence and gave every girl the idea for the right body type. Midway through the story, our hero starts to fall. But are we blowing some things out of proportion?
Many people recently have liked to comment of Britney's weight. "Look at those thighs, I've seen skinnier elephants!" and "If you need a flotation device, use Britney's flab." Just to name a few insults. Personally, I think that's rubbish. If you want to comment on Britney, why don't you comment an how amazingly THIN she is after having two kids! I mean, making fun of the maybe 30 pounds she put on after 2 pregnancies wont make you any thinner. I wouldn't mind being as thin as she is now.
All this hype about Britney has to do with the media in the first place. By 17, she was already put out as a sex symbol and the ideal body figure. The media made girls want to be like her, and made the guys WANT her. Period. The constant pressure maybe helped lead to her break down. As I pointed out, practically everybody knows about that. The whole shaving head and getting a tattoo and such. Which is really weird, from any point of view. However, this break down is not completely the media's fault. "Several sources say the events are the results of a long-gestating mental illness. "She's suffered from a psychological disease for years," says a source close to the singer. "[1] - according to an article in PEOPLE Magazine. The article goes on to talk about Britney's bipolar diagnosis and the antidepressants she has been prescribed. Despite this, paparazzi were there filming her actual mental breakdown live! Was this too far?
There is this law that might be passed that is literally called "The Britney Law". The law has to do with banning paparazzi from following stars around too close. Any profits made from a picture taken from less then 20 yards away will be confiscated. They are trying to pass this law due to the paparazzi getting to violent. For example, ramming into Lindsay Lohan's car just to get a shot. The law is named that way is because Britney is just followed that much by the "paps". Celebrities like Brad Pitt and Lohan (who admittedly used to love the paparazzi) are fighting for this bill to be passed. Britney on the other hand seems to enjoy the attention. In the documentary "Britney: Speared by the Paps" where it clearly shows just how much the paparazzi follow her, she rolls down the windows of her car just so they can get a shot. The paparazzi also show their dislike for the law by complaining how the "20 yards personal bubble" will violate their First Amendment rights. They also blame the celebrities for the accidents that happen, like the pap in "Speared by the Paps" said it was probably Lindsay's fault in the accident.
In 2007, Britney was thought to make a comeback in the MTV Awards. It did not turn out that way. Britney's performance was - to say the least - kind of suckish. According to CNN, Britney had been clubbing the night before, and it came out in her performance. Her moves were sloppy and the lip sinqing was way off. It wasn't really up to par. Fortunately, Brit got a second chance at the 2008 MTV Awards. She ended up winning 3 awards for her "Piece of Me" video. The media suddenly started posting in magazines about how Britney has made her official comeback. Suddenly, Britney is radiant and glowing, with a bright future ahead. This begs the thought, now that Britney isn't making a tragic spectacle of herself anymore, let's build her up again! Thus, Britney has returned.
My thoughts on Britney are that she obviously needs help. Mental illness or not, the fact she ran out without panties and flaunted it to everyone coaxed this reaction from me : ew. I heard on a radio show called "Derringer in the Morning", the producer, Ryan, added his thoughts to the crotch shot by comparing it to an "old, leathery wallet." Great description, but the closest I've ever seen of the picture is a star blocking where the sun don't shine. I'd like to keep it that way as well.
Other people also think she needs help, needs spiritual awareness, or they love her just the way she is (coughChrisCrockercough). Whatever someone thinks of Britney Spears, she will never be forgotten.
[1]People Magazine. People. 10 Jan. 2008. 22 Feb. 2009 http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20170133,00.html.
"Britney_Bald" 30 January 2008. Online image. Carpe Factum. 22 January 2009.
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