She was a teen pop sensation. She topped the charts with singles like "Oops I did it Again" and "Hit me Baby One More Time". She also strolled into a barber shop and shaved her hair off. I'd bet my life that you know who I'm talking about. Britney Spears. Where do I start? Once upon a time, Britney was a role model who practiced abstinence and gave every girl the idea for the right body type. Midway through the story, our hero starts to fall. But are we blowing some things out of proportion?
Many people recently have liked to comment of Britney's weight. "Look at those thighs, I've seen skinnier elephants!" and "If you need a flotation device, use Britney's flab." Just to name a few insults. Personally, I think that's rubbish. If you want to comment on Britney, why don't you comment an how amazingly THIN she is after having two kids! I mean, making fun of the maybe 30 pounds she put on after 2 pregnancies wont make you any thinner. I wouldn't mind being as thin as she is now.
All this hype about Britney has to do with the media in the first place. By 17, she was already put out as a sex symbol and the ideal body figure. The media made girls want to be like her, and made the guys WANT her. Period. The constant pressure maybe helped lead to her break down. As I pointed out, practically everybody knows about that. The whole shaving head and getting a tattoo and such. Which is really weird, from any point of view. However, this break down is not completely the media's fault. "Several sources say the events are the results of a long-gestating mental illness. "She's suffered from a psychological disease for years," says a source close to the singer. "[1] - according to an article in PEOPLE Magazine. The article goes on to talk about Britney's bipolar diagnosis and the antidepressants she has been prescribed. Despite this, paparazzi were there filming her actual mental breakdown live! Was this too far?
There is this law that might be passed that is literally called "The Britney Law". The law has to do with banning paparazzi from following stars around too close. Any profits made from a picture taken from less then 20 yards away will be confiscated. They are trying to pass this law due to the paparazzi getting to violent. For example, ramming into Lindsay Lohan's car just to get a shot. The law is named that way is because Britney is just followed that much by the "paps". Celebrities like Brad Pitt and Lohan (who admittedly used to love the paparazzi) are fighting for this bill to be passed. Britney on the other hand seems to enjoy the attention. In the documentary "Britney: Speared by the Paps" where it clearly shows just how much the paparazzi follow her, she rolls down the windows of her car just so they can get a shot. The paparazzi also show their dislike for the law by complaining how the "20 yards personal bubble" will violate their First Amendment rights. They also blame the celebrities for the accidents that happen, like the pap in "Speared by the Paps" said it was probably Lindsay's fault in the accident.
In 2007, Britney was thought to make a comeback in the MTV Awards. It did not turn out that way. Britney's performance was - to say the least - kind of suckish. According to CNN, Britney had been clubbing the night before, and it came out in her performance. Her moves were sloppy and the lip sinqing was way off. It wasn't really up to par. Fortunately, Brit got a second chance at the 2008 MTV Awards. She ended up winning 3 awards for her "Piece of Me" video. The media suddenly started posting in magazines about how Britney has made her official comeback. Suddenly, Britney is radiant and glowing, with a bright future ahead. This begs the thought, now that Britney isn't making a tragic spectacle of herself anymore, let's build her up again! Thus, Britney has returned.
My thoughts on Britney are that she obviously needs help. Mental illness or not, the fact she ran out without panties and flaunted it to everyone coaxed this reaction from me : ew. I heard on a radio show called "Derringer in the Morning", the producer, Ryan, added his thoughts to the crotch shot by comparing it to an "old, leathery wallet." Great description, but the closest I've ever seen of the picture is a star blocking where the sun don't shine. I'd like to keep it that way as well.
Other people also think she needs help, needs spiritual awareness, or they love her just the way she is (coughChrisCrockercough). Whatever someone thinks of Britney Spears, she will never be forgotten.
[1]People Magazine. People. 10 Jan. 2008. 22 Feb. 2009 http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20170133,00.html.
"Britney_Bald" 30 January 2008. Online image. Carpe Factum. 22 January 2009.